Mobile Riverine Force Association Print | Hits: 4787 MOBILE RIVERINE FORCE ASSOCIATION United States Navy Points of Interest NAVY Unit Awards and Citations NAVY Awards and Decorations Mobile Riverine Force Index - Ships/Units Bruce McIver's Article: RAID Units Ribbon Checker - Build your Ribbon Rack Commander Naval Forces, Vietnam (COMNAVFORV) Monthly Summaries First in the Delta / C-91-1 & M-91-1 MRF / Personal Boat sites of Interest 1967 Mobile Riverine Force Cruise Book First MRF Zippo Camp Roberts Gunnery Training - LT Larry Irwin NIOTC Training Boats Annapolis Hotel Attack - July 10, 1969 Brown Water Navy Enterprises - Riverine Craft Models by Army SFC (Ret.) Jack Carrico "Irma La Douche" (T-14) Model - by Former Boat Captain, BM1 Ray Longaker Wisconsin War Stories Vietnam: Turning Point - Brown Water Navy - Good Mobile Riverine Force coverage Thomas G. Kelley - Medal of Honor Recipient Message from the Commodore The Navy in Vietnam Bruce McIver awarded Silver Star Medal Rung Sat Intel Report Origins of Navy Terminology MRF / Personal Support Ship sites of Interest Surprised at TET: U.S. Naval Forces - 1968 Navy Uniform History Zippo 131-1 Model South Vietnamese Navy (SVNN) Program IV CCB Model by Ulrich Abel Merchant Ships in Vietnam MRF Operational Report ending April 30, 1968 - (Only MRF portion selected) "Bury me With Sailors" U.S. NAVY Medals and Ribbons Information Courtesy of MRFA Mine Warfare VesselsMinesweepingMinesweeping Boats (MSB)Minesweepers Coastal (MSC)Minesweepers Ocean (MSO)Mine Countermeasures (MCM)Minesweeping Helicopter (MH-53)Minehunters Coastal (MHC)Mobile Riverine Force Assn. (MRFA)USS Benewah (APB-35)Navy Links102 MinesweepersNaval Minewarfare AssociationSave an MSO Lucid MSO 459 ProjectShipmate Search SiteObtain Your Military RecordsHaze Gray & UnderwayMilitary.ComNaval Mines (Large File)NavyTimesMine Countermeasurers ShipsMCM HistoryUSS Avenger MCM 1USS Defender MCM 2USS Sentry MCM 3USS Champion MCM 4USS Guardian MCM 5USS Devastator MCM 6USS Patriot MCM 7USS Scout MCM 8USS Pioneer MCM 9USS Warrior MCM 10USS Gladiator MCM 11USS Ardent MCM 12USS Dextrous MCM 13USS Chief MCM 14CoalaWeb Traffic Today97 This week97 This month3525 Total259719